How to Promote Your Artwork Online

Article written by Rebecca Gallant of Becky's Wildlife and Fantasy Art.

Well, if you were anything like me, you'd have just tons of great artwork you wanted to show the world, but you hadn't a clue as to how you were gonna get the world to look at it, much less buy it.

Well, I was determined to find out how this crazy Net thing worked. I learned all on my own with minimal investment on how to be seen from California, USA to Tokyo, Japan. Here's your opportunity to pick my brain and learn all of my secrets!

This is not for the web newbie. This is if you already have a web site going and you the need traffic!

Let's Get Started!

Web Page Basics - A list of do's and don'ts.

DO make sure your site is compatible with most of the browsers out there today. Make sure Netscape and Internet Explorer users, down to at least 3.0, can see your stuff.

DO organize your site into separate categories. Have a list of navigation links on EVERY page. DO NOT cram all your paintings onto one loooong page. People will not wait for it to download. Separate your images into appropriate categories. Place all your awards on one page, your links and banners on another, your bio on another, your web rings on another, etc.

DO tell your visitors who you are, what you are about, what your page is about and what you want. Be clear, concise and to the point. Spell check everything. Have friends and family test it out and look it over for broken images or misspellings. Ask them if they felt anything was confusing to them. Just because you know what you mean, doesn't mean everyone else does. Finally, run your pages through the great free services at Web Site Garage!


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